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Thank you for taking time to visit my blog! For more info about this blog, you may check out the Content tab. For all re-posts and other articles that caught my eye, you'll find them in Echoes. My own literary pieces are in Anthology; tips, trivia and info are in Blabs; anything about movies in Flicks; food-related stuff in Gastronomy; my journey to getting hitched in I Do;places, trips and activities are in Jaunts; anything about books in Lit; and short posts in Snips. Lastly, you'll find my contact details in Say Hi.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Phoneography: Made In Candy
Skyfall (2012)
As posted on Print the Legend by Choc:
Directed by Sam Mendes |
Starring: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Berenice Marlohe, Naomie Harris
Rottentomatoes: 95%
IMDB 8.3
*minor spoilers ahead*
“Shaken, not stirred” — That’s how Skyfall, the 23rd Bond film, felt like to me. The essentials are the same, yet it feels like a whole new drink altogether, as thoroughly refreshing, if not better, than the ones before. The flavor is uneven in an exciting kind of way.
Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Road to Perdition) has crafted one of the most uniquely beautiful Bond movies of all. Skyfall takes the franchise to uncharted realms thematically, even visually, but at the same time, guides it home, to where it all began, setting up an exciting future to the greatest film franchise ever. Daniel Craig’s hard-edged, anti-Bond Bond, which many thought was undone by Marc Forster’s meandering Quantum of Solace, has the persona on firm footing this time around.
Read the rest of the review on http://printthelegend.blog.com/2012/11/02/movie-review-skyfall-2012-55-stars/
Looper (2012)
As posted on Print the Legend by Choc:
Directed by Rian Johnson |
Starring: Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Emily Blunt
Rottentomatoes: 93%
IMDB 8.1
Joseph Gordon-Levitt teams up with Director Rian Johnson (Brick, The Brothers Bloom) once again in this time-bending tale of cat and mouse.
JGL is Joe, a looper, an assassin in the present year 2044. A looper’s job is simple: kill or be killed. Joe’s targets are sent to him from the future, the year 2074, where time travel will have been invented but immediately outlawed. In 2074, the forensic know-how and technology are so advanced that criminals cannot get away with murder. Therefore a brand new enterprise has sprouted where criminals illegally use time-travel to send the intended recipients of their murderous affections 30 years back in time, to 2044, where guys like Joe kill them without fanfare and dispose of the dead bodies.
Joe’s life is of relative convenience. In between jobs, he gets high, makes love to way too gorgeous hookers, and saves half of his paycheck in dreams of going to Paris where he’d like to spend the rest of whatever semblance of life he is living.
Read the rest of the review on http://printthelegend.blog.com/2012/10/19/34/.
Beer Trick: Freezing SanMig Light before your eyes
As posted on Print the Legend by Choc:
We all like a subzero beer but here’s another reason to like it more –
You can perform a cool little trick with it. Watch it freeze before your eyes. =))
Here’ my first try, a video taken with my phone so its not the best quality but here it shows how it’s easy enough for me to do it on my first try. =)
Here’s where i saw it, and how.
Smoking at Work
As posted on Print the Legend by Choc:
Breathing through a stick of Marlboro lights in the smoking area on the side of my office building, which was uncharacteristically empty on a cold rainy night, I was so bored I was half-consciously counting the number of puffs it took me to finish my cigarette.– Fourteen.
Fourteen breaths for one cigarette. Is that how many breaths I lose, kind of literally, with every cigarette I take?
How much smoking happens in my office anyway?
Suppose Yosi Kadiri, is to come to the office and heroically offers:
PS: I need to learn Photoshop badly.. |
“I will liberate you from the clutches of this deadly vice.. I will smoke your cigarettes for you and suffer this bodily corruption for your freedom.”
What is he up against?
Last time I heard, there were about 600 employees in my office. Last time I read, about 28% of the Philippine adult population are smokers.
Assuming the office is a cross section of the Philippine adult population, then there’d be around 168 smoker employees in all. Let’s say each one smokes about 3 sticks per day and takes 14 puffs to finish one cigarette, then on a given day, there will be 7,056 breaths made through 504 cigarettes in the office.
For perspective, a normal person breathes about 12 times per minute, and If we are to “convert” these 504 sticks of cigarettes into one “Godfather” cigarette” it will be more than 80 feet long.
That is to say, poor Yosi Kadiri will have to climb up the 9th floor and smoke this “godfather” cigarette which will extend from his lips to the ground 9 floors below.
And to finish it, he will have to puff it for 10 hours non-stop. Good luck.
The “Recipe” for a smoother Online Life: If This Then That (ifttt.com)
As posted on Print the Legend by Choc:
Online Life is catching up with the real one in terms of complexity and sheer effort in trying to organize it. Twitter, Facebook, News Aggregators, Blogs, Emails, etc. There are simply too many things to keep track of to give a semblance of order in our daily web activities. We constantly need to log in to countless platforms to check out whats happening, send/get content from our favorite blogs/sites, that you wish you had some personal secretary to do these things for you.
This is why If This Then That (ifttt.com) is a great tool that i think is under-utilized by the majority of netizens. I myself have not even heard of it or any friend using it, until a few days ago when a co-worker mentioned it. ifttt.com’s game plan is simple:
And that’s just what it does. With almost comically simple steps, If This Then That interacts with the web platforms you are using and performs both the repetitive, and a lot of sophisticated tasks as well, for you.
For more information, view the full article here.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Dredd (2012)
As posted on Print the Legend by Choc:
Movie Review: Dredd (starring Karl Urban’s mouth)
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Image from TheMovieBlog |
Dredd 3D (2012) (Dir. by: Pete Travis)
Starring: Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby
Rottentomatoes: 76%
IMDB 7.8
What sorcery is this? How can both the time-tested critics of
rottentomatoes and the cinephiliacs of imdb.con both miss wide off the
mark here? 76% on rotten and 7.8 on imdb?! Mind blown.
This movie fails on so many levels I just don’t know where to start.
As a sci-fi movie, it’s insulting. I don’t even think this qualifies
as science fiction at all. All sci-fi movies (the good ones anyway) all
have two things in common, their “conditio sine qua non” so to speak. First, in science fiction, the socio-political landscape is markedly different, this is why sci-fi is so interesting (for me at least) because this different “background” as often shown, happen in the future or in a different “universe” from our own. “Universe” in
cinematic terms, is the “world” where the movie happens (not
necessarily a collection of galaxies). Sci-fi is often misconstrued as
that movie featuring hi-tech gadgets, and quirky costumes, but it’s not
simply that. A good example is the movie “Never Let Me Go (2010) ”
starring Keira Knightley and Spider boy Andrew Garfield, adapted from
Ishiguro’s 2005 novel of the same name. In Never Let Me Go, there were, literally, nothing that would indicate that the story is happening in a different “universe”
from ours. There were no fancy gadgets or fancy costumes, it looked
absolutely normal and of this world. Yet, this movie was science fiction
at the height of its power.
Monday, August 27, 2012
On ICS Encryption
It's actually good to know that with the surge of smart phones where you take pictures of everything and sync in all your accounts including your business emails, credit cards, etc. you have the option of encrypting your phone.
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Galaxy S3 Encryption Screenshot from Cnet |
Now I decided to encrypt mine, took almost an hour, and now I feel a little bit secured. Thing is, I probably did not pay much attention to the warning, so I was thrown off guard afterwards when I found out I'm stuck on using either my pin or password on screen locks. So bye bye to patterns and face unlock... well unless I decide to reset and wipe out my data.
Some screen lock options disabled afterwards on my Galaxy Prime! |
So think twice if you really want to encrypt your phone. I'm disappointed that I can't use some cool ICS features, but I'm keeping it this way for the sake of my accounts.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Phoneography: Herbie The Pomeranian
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Roasted Mushrooms Escargot-Style
Guest Blog Posts for
Weekly Recipes
All you need for those lazy days! |
It happens to all of us. One week there
is just no inspiration and no energy to make anything besides salad, a chicken
breast, and a carton of mediocre ice cream. Those are the days when you wish
you had a personal chef, or that at least the take out guy would appear.
Instead of languidly flipping through your old cookbooks, why not take a quick
look into your inbox at a Weekly Recipes e-mail? Our weekly newsletter is chock
full of beautiful photos and delicious recipes ready to inspire you to end your
cooking rut. We carefully cull the best of the web to bring only the most
delicious and exciting new recipes straight to you! Subscribe here!
Here’s an excellent recipe from
Gourmet.com, this and so many more when you subscribe to Weekly Recipes!
Mushrooms Escargot-Style
from Gourmet.com
Monday, August 13, 2012
Rasterbating Clint Eastwood
What happens when you're all alone in your boring room, with the blank walls gaping at you, compelling you to do something with your hands? Simple. You give in. You lie on your bed and close your eyes. You clear your mind and you start being creative. You start picturing things out...and then you just do it. You RASTERBATE.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Be Careful of Those Vitamins and Supplements
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From Evidence-Based Living |
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Remove Gallstones Naturally
by: Dr. Lai Chiu-Nan
It has worked for many. If it works for you please pass on the good news. Chiu Nan is not charging for it, so we should make it free for everyone. Your reward is when someone, through your word of mouth, benefits from the regime. Gallstones may not be everyone's concern. But they should be because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. "Cancer is never the first illness," Chiu Nan points out. "Usually, there are a lot of other problems leading to cancer.
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Image from ifood.tv |
Monday, August 6, 2012
RH Bill Memes
I respect everyone's opinion, but I am pro-RH bill. So here are some Reproductive Health memes I've gathered online. Save lives! Say yes to RH bill!
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From Pro RH Bill Page |
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Have a break! (aka Philippine Holidays 2012)
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Image from SeoPinay |
Mid-year and I'm just having this post... guess it's better late than never --and there are a lot of remaining holidays left!
Plot your vacation wisely and use these breaks as a means to recharge and catch up on those things you said you planned to do but never had the time.
Below is a list of Philippine holidays and special non-working days as posted on the Philippine government's Official Gazette.
Below is a list of Philippine holidays and special non-working days as posted on the Philippine government's Official Gazette.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Crossing the street is more fun in the Philippines!
Accidents do happen because pedestrians ignore traffic rules. If they don't and they decide to cross the street properly, it's still sad as some pedestrian lanes have faded over time, worsening the drivers' ped xing-blindness.
With the increasing pedestrian related accidents, the city of Pasig, in collaboration with IdeasXMachina (IXM), came up with a very ingenious idea -- the not so pedestrian lanes!
For more info, here's a video clip featuring IXM taken from 24 Oras aired last July 13, 2012 by GMA 7:
With the increasing pedestrian related accidents, the city of Pasig, in collaboration with IdeasXMachina (IXM), came up with a very ingenious idea -- the not so pedestrian lanes!
Their solution: Create quirky pedestrian lane designs to make crossing fun and conspicuous to oncoming traffic.
For more info, here's a video clip featuring IXM taken from 24 Oras aired last July 13, 2012 by GMA 7:
Friday, July 13, 2012
Always With A Farter? There's A Reason To Rejoice!
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Image from Instructables |
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University found out that hydrogen sulfide, which is a component of fart, can actually help regulate blood pressure.
Check out what LiveScience has to say about this.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Baked Armadillo Eggs
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Sorry, it was a bit oily! =p |
Anyway, armadillo eggs (the food) include sausages, jalapeno and cheese. The taste is really arresting, making it a potent appetizer.
Here's how we did it:
Monday, July 2, 2012
Easy Basil Pesto Recipe
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Presto pesto |
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Creamy Mushroom Burger Steak
One time, due to oversleeping and not eating much the night before, you wake up so hungry. Worse, there's no leftover food to eat. You open your fridge, nothing to cook in sight, well... just a couple of burger patties, but what you want is a full meal with rice! The solution -- creamy mushroom burger steak.
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This creamy mushroom sauce is very versatile. It can even be used for carbonara! |
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Planting Seeds: Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2012 Writing Project
"To see things in the seed, that is genius."
-Lao Tzu
The internet is such a blessing! Indeed we all are very lucky that in just a few keystrokes, we'd find what we need. This won't be possible though without its contributors who had exerted enough time and effort to share their talents, passion and knowledge.
Now, Influential Blogger, spearheaded by Janette Toral, came up with a writing project which aims to identify new and emerging blogs who are trying to make an impact on their readers. They're actually on their sixth (6) year now and Tof Salcedo, Philippine data center, Philippine online shopping, Manila Standard Today, DigitalFilipino Club, and Search Profile Index have already pledged their support.
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Image from GT Review |
Saturday, June 23, 2012
And Then There Were None (1939)
"I'm afraid of
death... Yes, but that doesn't stop death coming..."
- Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None
- Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None
It is quite a given that writers have omniscient
power over the universe of their narratives, but I admit that I tend to
overlook that every once in a while. What, with hundreds of novels with similar
storylines, you just can’t help but feel that somewhere in your brain, you
already know how the story would end up. However, I tell you this; this is not
the case for And Then There Were None.
I had one hell of a ride, and I had no clue what to think. I didn’t even know
if there was a supernatural factor or psychological thing going on, right until
the very end!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Oh Sugar, You Are Not So Sweet!
When is a food a food? And when is it poison?
The sweetest poison. (Image from Ecosalon) |
"Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Physically: Any substance which inhibits the activity of a catalyst which is a minor substance, chemical or enzyme that activates a reaction."
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Infinite Light
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Image from blog.myheritage.com |
For the light that shines since I opened my eyes,
never falters, never dims on each nook and cranny,
the very same guides me to see life's a daisy.
My voice may waver but my heart never shies,
for my love for you's the kind that never dies.
How can one forget that so special person,
who only has devotion for what she see's perfection?
To the One above, I can't thank Him enough,
for without her, it would be so tough.
Yes I'm lucky, and we all are,
these angels on earth are nothing but above par.
Fam Mam
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Brain Fart 05.10.12
Before anything else, I apologize. This post really is personal and is not intended for public consumption. I'm doing this for me, for my own good. I don't think I owe anyone explanations. Oh, well, if you insist and want to share in my insanity, I don't have any means to stop you...
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Transform Thy Old Tshirts
Oh yes, I remember this being a sort of a trend for the young people around last year.
But I was too busy then, and the video of Adam Saaks I'd seen had gaping holes everywhere, not at all apt for an old hag like me.
But I was too busy then, and the video of Adam Saaks I'd seen had gaping holes everywhere, not at all apt for an old hag like me.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Wrestler (2008)
The Wrestler (2008) Directed by Darren Aronofsky |
"The Wrestler" centers on Randy "The Ram" Robinson (Mickey Rourke), a wildly popular professional wrestler from 2 decades ago who now barely makes ends meet as an aging wrestler in the independent circuit. With his health beginning to fail from his physically demanding job, he tries to amend his life by quitting wrestling, reconciling with his daughter he abandoned long ago and pursuing Cassidy, a prostitute he's been infatuated with for quite sometime. But his efforts failed him, and then he receives an offer to do a high-profile rematch with his nemesis "The Ayatollah", the match could be his ticket to bring back the old days once again.Failing health and all, he must decide whether life is better lived inside the ring, or outside of it.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Knocked Up (2007)
Article written by Choc:
I finally had the chance to see Judd Apatow's follow-up movie to his monster hit the 40-yr old Virgin. I've read reviews about this one and after watching the movie, I can understand why so many women think this movie is sexist (and too vulgar). Even its ridiculously pretty star Katherine Heigl is on record calling this movie "a little sexist," and elaborates:
"It paints women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as goofy, fun-loving guys. It was hard for me to love the movie."
I don't think that's the case however.
I finally had the chance to see Judd Apatow's follow-up movie to his monster hit the 40-yr old Virgin. I've read reviews about this one and after watching the movie, I can understand why so many women think this movie is sexist (and too vulgar). Even its ridiculously pretty star Katherine Heigl is on record calling this movie "a little sexist," and elaborates:
Knocked Up 2007 - Directed by Judd Apatow |
"It paints women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as goofy, fun-loving guys. It was hard for me to love the movie."
I don't think that's the case however.
The Painted Veil (2006)
"Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people."
An in-depth review by Choc:
Everybody says it, and everyone likes hearing the word, but what does "love" really mean?
One cynic said: "Love is just a ploy, devised by the gods to continue the species..."
Surely, not all of us share the sentiment of this hater. Most of us would rather intoxicate ourselves with the effervescent words of the great sages of love... this is why as high-school students, naive and idealistic, WE ALL loved Shakespeare...
-The Painted Veil
An in-depth review by Choc:
Everybody says it, and everyone likes hearing the word, but what does "love" really mean?
One cynic said: "Love is just a ploy, devised by the gods to continue the species..."
Surely, not all of us share the sentiment of this hater. Most of us would rather intoxicate ourselves with the effervescent words of the great sages of love... this is why as high-school students, naive and idealistic, WE ALL loved Shakespeare...
Sunday, April 29, 2012
The Phantom of the Opera is There Inside My Mind
Watched the 2004 film version starring Emmy Rossum, Gerard Butler and Patrick Wilson in the movie theater thrice in a row.
Surfed within IMDB to cure the movie hangover.
Bought a VCD copy... then a DVD copy.
Played the movie again and again.
Sang along Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical scores on You Tube.
And finally.... would be watching the play live in just four months from now!
Surfed within IMDB to cure the movie hangover.
Bought a VCD copy... then a DVD copy.
Played the movie again and again.
Sang along Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical scores on You Tube.
And finally.... would be watching the play live in just four months from now!
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